Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jessica and Blaine: a creative and personal celebration

For years Jessica's dad has been collecting antiques, and for years the family has teased him about it.  When would all of these items (from antique milk jugs, to old train cars and vintage sewing machines) ever have any use?  Well, fast forward to this special day and Jessica made use of just about all of it with a very personal and creative wedding celebration.  The combination of antique and new was beautiful, so much so that we heard quite a few people asking Jessica's parents if they would consider using their home in Vista, CA as a wedding venue for other couples.  I think they were a bit too busy with this celebration to seriously consider it... but who knows... *wink*

Is she gorgeous or what?!

Visions in pale pink, the ladies we spent the day with were so much fun!

Just stunning!  Truly!

It was great that Jessica allowed for enough time to take some photos before the ceremony.  We got these beautiful images of her with her mother and future mother in law.

Love this - she couldn't look for fear of getting emotional herself.

More fun details - love the hand painted signs and the chandelier hanging from the big tree.  So much thought went into all of this.

A touching tribute

Jessica takes a peek outside before the ceremony begins

The bridal party on a neighbor's estate.  I actually love the story here.  Apparently, Jessica's family had always admired this beautiful property as they drove by over the years.  When they were planning the wedding, Jessica's mother decided to take action and left a note for the neighbors asking if they could take some wedding photos on their property.  Even though they had never really met, the neighbor graciously agreed to let the bridal party get photos at their home, and as I understand it, even updated the landscaping with some new flowers before the wedding to make sure it would be perfect for photos... and it was!

Multi purpose: delicious treats, tucked into mason jars that the guests would use throughout the evening, marked with their individual table numbers.  And I loved the old photos of Jessica and Blaine that marked each table.  So cute!

This was such a great grand entrance!  Once the wedding chairs were moved to the reception area, the aisle was now clear for the bridal party to run, jump, laugh and dance their way to the dance floor.  And that they did!

The first dance

pure happiness

Jessica and Blaine - you two are fantastic!  Not only did you put together a beautiful and unique celebration, you were just so easy to work with.  You rolled with the punches when the weather didn't cooperate and let yourself enjoy every moment of your day, even when things may not have gone 100% has planned - and I think that's just awesome.  Not only that, I really loved getting to know you and your families.  Dad and I continuously caught each other getting emotional as we witnessed some really beautifully touching moments throughout your day.  Thank you so so much for letting us be a part of it!

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